Congratulations to Alex, Atharv Bansal & Aarav Nambiar for being champions at 5th Kings Chess Academy tournament

Congratulations to Alex, Atharv Bansal & Aarav Nambiar for being champions at 5th Kings Chess Academy international chess tournament. We had a very wonderful tournament. As informed we are announcing the prizes list after evaluating the fair play. The list is below Congratulations to the Champion with lichess id: alexthecheckmate, he played very good games… Continue reading Congratulations to Alex, Atharv Bansal & Aarav Nambiar for being champions at 5th Kings Chess Academy tournament

Congratulations to SRIJAN MASHETTY for winning championship at SPRING FOREST CHESS TOURNAMENT held at HOUSTON, United states of America

Congratulations to SRIJAN MASHETTY from kings chess academy online chess training for USA students team for winning the championship at SPRING FOREST CHESS TOURNAMENT in section 8 held at HOUSTON,  United States of America. Our special thanks to coach Mr Ravi Kumar Garu for encouraging Srijan in the tough times to make this possible. All… Continue reading Congratulations to SRIJAN MASHETTY for winning championship at SPRING FOREST CHESS TOURNAMENT held at HOUSTON, United states of America