1. Increases IQ
A study at venezuela for 4000 students on a period of 4 months states that there is a sginificant increase of their IQ levels in both boys and girls after gace 4 months of chess instruction. Many people say that chess is a game that have to played between two smart persons but the truth is playing chess makes a kid more sharper than usual one.
2. It helps prevent Alzheimer’s
A recent study featured in The New England Journal of Medicine found that people over 75 who engage in brain-stretching activities like chess are less likely to develop dementia than their non-board-game-playing peers. Just like an un-exercised muscle loses strength, they found that unused brain tissue leads to a loss of brain power. So that’s all the more reason to play chess before you turn 75.
3. Helps in activing both sides of the brian
In Germany a study conducted for chess experts showing novices of simple geometric shapes and chess positions and measured the subjects’ reactions in indentifying them. They expected to find the experts’ left brain being much more active but interestingly the study showed that chess players are equally using both parts of their brain and that helps them respond more quickly than others in any issue.
4. Chess players are Creative
One four-year study had students from grades 7 to 9 play chess, use computers, or do other activities once a week for 32 weeks to see which activity fostered the most growth in creative thinking. The chess group scored higher in all measures of creativity, with originality being their biggest area of gain. This is due to right hemisphere of the brain which is the key for creativity in humans. Playing chess which activates the right portion of the brain is brushing up the creative side and that brings the originality of a person.
5. This Brain game improves Memory
There is an acecdote that playing chess improves memory. All world champions including Magnus Carlsen proved his legacy in chess is by memorising all the games he have played with their opponents and overcoming the mistakes that he have done in the past. There is an evidence also. In a two-year study in 1985, young students who were given regular opportunities to play chess improved their grades in all subjects, and their teachers noticed better memory and better organizational skills in the kids. A similar study of Pennsylvania sixth-graders found similar results. Students who had never before played chess improved their memories and verbal skills after playing.
6. A good chess player is a good problem solver
A chess match is like one big puzzle that needs solving, and solving on the fly, because your opponent is constantly changing the parameters. Nearly 450 fifth-grade students were split into three groups in a 1992 study in New Brunswick. Group A was the control group and went through the traditional math curriculum. Group B supplemented the math with chess instruction after first grade, and Group C began the chess in first grade. On a standardized test, Group C’s grades went up to 81.2% from 62% and outpaced Group A by 21.46%.
7. Play chess get good reading skills.
In an oft-cited 1991 study, Dr. Stuart Margulies studied the reading performance of 53 elementary school students who participated in a chess program and evaluated them compared to non-chess-playing students in the district and around the country. He found definitive results that playing chess caused increased performance in reading. In a district where the average students tested below the national average, kids from the district who played the game tested above it.
8. Conentration will be high for chess players
Usually in a chess match both players have to struggle hard with full concentration on the game to give their best. The practice of playing chess daily helps in a person in concentrating every work they do as it is habituated , because of playing chess. Numerous studies of students in the U.S., Russia, China, India and elsewhere have proven time and again that young people’s ability to focus is sharpened with chess.
9. Playing chess grows dendrites
Dendrites are the tree-like branches that conduct signals from other neural cells into the neurons they are attached to. Think of them like antennas picking up signals from other brain cells. The more antennas you have and the bigger they are, the more signals you’ll pick up. Learning a new skill like chess-playing causes dendrites to grow. But that growth doesn’t stop once you’ve learned the game; interaction with people in challenging activities also fuels dendrite growth, and chess is a perfect example.
10. A good chess player is a good planner
Having teenagers play chess might just save their lives. It goes like this: one of the last parts of the brain to develop is the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for planning, judgment, and self-control. So adolescents are scientifically immature until this part develops. Strategy games like chess can promote prefrontal cortex development and help them make better decisions in all areas of life, perhaps keeping them from making a stupid, risky choice of the kind associated with being a teenager.
Good enalistic information